V1.73 14th Sep 2005 * detection of file extensions in posts were case sensitive, this has been corrected to case insensitive V1.72 26th Feb 2004 * fixed a bug where enabling post previews would cause an error V1.71 8th Jan 2004 * you can now define a default global email address, this is used in all outgoing emails (from attribute) when the user has yet to enter a forum ** table structure change in flf_global_setup, added column default_forum_email V1.70 27th Oct 2003 * the register link is now visible even when a user has not entered a forum (user request) * minor code and manual changes V1.69 25th Sep 2003 * fixed a bug where administrators could not log back (when not using remember login) in if the maintenance notification was enabled V1.68 16th April 2003 * option to disable account registration or verification if you are planning on creating your own user accounts module * session and application variables are now locked properly contributing to optimal application / server stability * minor code improvements ** table structure change in flf_setup, added column disable_register ** table structure change in flf_setup, added column disable_verify ** table structure change in flf_setup, added column disable_account_edit V1.66 31th Jan 2003 * by default post summaries are now sorted by the last post date of a thread rather than the original parent post date * added custom tag that returns the count of new posts compared from a given date in a defined forum (under helpers directory) V1.65 29th Jan 2003 * html posts file is now created under the file_uploads folder * posts with images/attachments are indicated with a clip icon * improved auto login code via cookies * moderators can be emailed when there are new unapproved posts * bugfix : parent posts needing moderator approval where not showing up under unapproved posts * bugfix : no more crashes when a reply notification is emailed when anonymous users reply to posts ** table structure change in flf_posts, added column attachment ** table structure change in flf_posts, added column attachment_count ** table structure change in flf_setup, added column attachment_icon ** table structure change in flf_setup, added column moderator_notify V1.61 20th Jan 2003 * fixed broken links to folder images when forums and subjects are grouped * post date is now properly displayed under the posts summary when selected V1.60 18th Jan 2003 * personal signatures * fixed case sensitivity in database references and filenames, the code now supports servers that are case sensitive e.g Apache * posts can now also be sorted by the last post date * current time can be manipulated (application.cfm) * a switch can be enabled under setup if the forums are under undergoing maintenance * code optimizations * bugfix : message notification settings where not being stored properly on the creation of new an account * bugfix : privae messages are now flagged properly when read ** table structure change in flf_global_setup, added column maint_switch ** table structure change in flf_users, added column signature ** table structure change in flf_users, added column enable_signature V1.52 14th Jan 2003 * subjects can be assigned a title * improved alignment of folders and titles in the subjects index page ** table structure change in flf_subjects, added column forum_title *@ new style sheet definition : TABLEDATA_Subject_Title V1.50 11th Jan 2003 * html posts * changed date format in threads * forum and email headers and footers may now contain dynamic code * user manager can be sorted by date, username and name * changed font size "smaller" in all style sheets to "10px", this eliminates really small text when the parent font size is small * improved alignment in the posts page when using larger emoticons * average post value in forum stats is now rounded to the nearest integer * option for improved integration with other web pages (check out "Strip Html Header & Footer" in setup) ** table structure change in flf_global_setup, added column strip_html ** table structure change in flf_global_setup, added column html_posts V1.46a 7th Jan 2003 * fixed date sort bug ** table structure change in flf_posts, date column renamed to post_date V1.46 7th Jan 2003 * MYSQL compatibility * username and password may be passed from cfqueries (application.cfm) * added custom tag for login integration functionality (under helpers directory) * verify account link doesn't show up if verification is disabled * option to specify a mailserver for all outgoing cfmails (application.cfm) V1.43 24th December 2002 * subject titles are now also a link * all tables are now prefixed with "flf_". This minimizes table name clashes when using a single shared database. * wish everyone a very Merry Christmas :) V1.42 11th December 2002 * fixed alignment for forum stats * added option to display forums and subjects together on the index page * fixed bug where the save button would not appear under setup when only editing headers without footers V1.41 9th December 2002 * added global forum header and footer support V1.40 7th December 2002 * moderators are now supported! * bug fixes * search query further optimized * database mode switch (application.dbase) is now deprecated * icq online/offline status indicator under profile V1.34 25th October 2002 * fixed bug when adding a thread with images/files disabled * fixed where the number of posts where not being indicated properly when in the forum subject screen * image/file indicator in the forum statistics now correctly indicate whether uploads are allowed * fixed a bug when registering with an already exisiting email/username * added feature where new registered users are welcomed/displayed (last 3, that have signed up within a week) * now you can enable/disable profile photos * now the add thread icon and add post form is always visible, the user is notified on click of these components whether he or she is required to register * emails are now more widely recognised as being html formatted * password recovery now requires a valid username as several accounts can have the same email * user is notified of new posts since last visit to the forum V1.30 16th July 2002 * made FlexiForums Cold Fusion MX compatible * thread manager query no longer crashes in msaccess mode * fixed date indication of posts when viewing a thread * carriage returns are correctly mirrored in email messages between users * fixed drop down page selection error when viewing post summaries * bookmarks are now also viewed over multiple pages * messages between users are now locally stored, with the option of being notified via email upon arrival of new messages * messaging history is now preserved * email notifications are more descriptive, containing the post subject and forum location V1.26 6th June 2002 * forums threads can now be bookmarked * layout improvements * cell spacing for tables with multiple rows or columns can now be defined under setup V1.25 1st June 2002 * added forum stats and active user tracking * fixed incorrect theme colors in style sheets * increased database field length for subject from 50 to 100 V1.2 17th May 2002 * fixed incorrect size detection of file uploads * fixed search distinct query for access databases * layout improvements * user profiles, photo, age, gender, icq, aim, aol, country, website..etc.. * added last post field * thread age is now governed by the last post date V1.14 8th May 2002 * if your cookies have been deleted/cleaned, logging in will recreate the cookie if you have an account with "remember login" enabled. V1.13 6th May 2002 * forum index folders now indicate new posts properly when empty of any threads * username cannot be changed if account is pending verification * added support for remembered login details using cookies * offensive words may be censored in posts V1.12 2nd May 2002 * fixed crash if no email header / footer specified when new user registers * forums can now have a custom header and footer * optional license agreement can be displayed for acknowledgement before registration to a forum * optimized data lengths for setup table * all forum icons / emoticons must now reside under the "image" directory * search now works properly when querying users full name V1.11 30th April 2002 * removed hard coded formatting values from thread title * fixed creation of normal user account when logged in as administrator * carriage returns are now properly captured and mirrored for forum and subject descriptions * fixed error message that reported user as already verified when in fact the verification code entered was incorrect * the viewed counter for posts are not incremented if the thread owner looks at his own post * slight outline touchup on the crying emoticon for a smoother circular effect * minor layout fixes * 1 new theme * a message is now displayed if nothing is found under search rather then an empty record set * now normal users can only register, verify and check accounts under a selected forum, this improves application integrity * link to forum index is always visible when navigating outside a forum * added the ability to quickly sort forums and subjects alphabetically rather then just manually V1.1 28th April 2002 * fixed bug where the account verification settings were not being read from file "default_settings.xml" * added support for file uploads other then just images! * file extensions are now defined and controlled for all file uploads * uploaded files can have a defined size limit * Access 2000 Database support! * further streamlined style sheets (less changes required to themes) * 2 new themes * minor layout fixes * now firstname and lastname is also indexed for searching under username V1.035 23th April 2002 * minor visual improvements * fixed crash when user enters an invalid username under account verification V1.03 22th April 2002 * now administrator passwords are hidden in the user manager * improved a few emoticons * added ability to password protect forums * version number is now displayed under setup * improved style sheets